Elizabeth II: weighed down the British economy.

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Admittedly, the event was very popular and proved the great attachment of the kingdom to its queen, but the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II did damage to the British economy.

A few months later, a damning report highlights the choice of certain measures taken for the occasion.

A fiesta that is expensive, too expensive? The National Statistics Office (ONS) published a report on Friday August 12, 2022 in which it discusses the British gross domestic product (GDP) impacted by… Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee!

In June alone, activity contracted by 0.6%, after an increase of 0.4% in May (revised figure) due in particular to the impact of the celebrations of the jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II , which resulted in two days not worked, specifies the ONS.

The decline in the second quarter “was widely expected given the impact of the Jubilee holidays,” said Alpesh Paleja, an economist quoted by AFP. As a reminder, the festivities took place from June 2 to 5, 2022 to celebrate the 70 years of reign of the popular monarch.

On the program: military parades, parades, shows… In total, as the newspaper Le Figaro points out, no less than 200,000 local events took place throughout the United Kingdom during this period!

A fine argument for the supporters of the crown, who were able to test the solidity of the attachment of the subjects to Her Majesty. But that was before realizing the economic blow, which the anti-monarchy will undoubtedly not hesitate to put forward.

As a reminder, the Jubilee of Elizabeth II – now 96 years old and widowed since the death of her husband Prince Philip – also gave rise to a slew of impressive figures.

No less than 90 million pints of beer were sold during this period, 356 million euros were to be spent by the curious on derivative products turning the coffers of the state, 1 billion viewers expected…

While her health is declining but she categorically refuses to abdicate in favor of her son Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth II is resting like every summer in her beloved castle of Balmoral.

She settled there discreetly on August 9, without meeting the press or the photographers…