Year after year, the climate crisis is becoming more and more visible. And as small as they may seem given the Herculean challenges we face as a society, our individual choices matter. With that in mind, one of the pillars to consider is a beauty routine. In particular, what do you buy, how often do you buy it, and whether it ends up in a landfill. In fact, the cosmetics industry is one of the top
polluters in the world.
According to Euromonitor International, 152.1 billion packaging for cosmetics and personal care products was sold worldwide in 2018 alone, most of which is never recycled. “I’m grateful that sustainability has recently become a key focus for consumer products,” said Mia Davis, vice president of sustainability and impact at Credo Beauty. “Sustainability in beauty means that the work we do now – the resources we extract, the things we make – doesn’t affect people’s ability to do the same in the future. ” While the change may be daunting, rest assured that an environmentally conscious consumer and a passion for beauty are not mutually exclusive.
“As someone who has always loved beauty, I didn’t want to give it up when I started making the transition to a more sustainable lifestyle,” says beauty expert Jhánneu. “A lot of people think they have to give up their sustainable lifestyle, but in reality it’s about finding better alternatives. Shit: do good>
“While I love to travel and discover [support] new niche beauty companies, beauty and personal care are perfect when it comes to creating excesses that are bad for the planet and bad for our wallets,” says Piper and cites that in 2018 the beauty and personal care industry in the United States produced nearly 8 billion rigid plastic packaging annually. personal sustainability. There is no time to wait or time to waste as the climate change alarm is “sounding at high speed,” according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres. “Previously, people who care about sustainability had longer time horizons,” says Davis, “but climate change, the production of toxic chemicals and the global waste crisis have accelerated, making it urgent to protect sustainability. ‘Future!
“In this article, a trio of sustainability experts discuss how you can go green in your skincare routine. Use what you have “Everything new people do often has this zest, but especially in sustainable living, that to ‘get it right’ you get rid of all the old, gross, plastic-covered stuff in your life and go out and buy everything new gotta green stuff.” Piper said.
“That’s not true, it’s even worse. I always encourage people to work with what they have.” Put simply, the first step to making your skincare more eco-friendly is: use up everything you have before buying a replacement. If there’s something you can’t use, you want to give it a second life. “How we dispose of items that are no longer useful to us is just as important as how we acquire new items and what we buy,” explains Piper.
“So if something isn’t your color or doesn’t suit you, consider selling it on Poshmark, donating it to your neighborhood Facebook Buy Nothing group (makeup, even used makeup , goes like hot cakes in my group ) or donate to a friend who likes to experiment with new products.