Ukraine: A Hollywood star on the ground

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In the midst of war

Actor Sean Penn traveled to state to satisfy the president amid a historic military crisis. The actor, at home with conflict zones, is getting ready a documentary on the topic of tensions in japanese Europe. yankee actor Sean Penn visited Ukraine because the country is presently vulnerable from its neighbor Russia. terribly politically engaged, the latter attended a conference in Kiev, wherever leaders of the country were discussing the invasion by Russia of Vladimir Putin. The actor and director is reportedly preparing a documentary concerning escalating tensions in japanese Europe for next year. The comedian then met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, 44, to discuss. The try were shown along on AN Instagram story from the president (see slideshow). The conversation, however, wasn’t disclosed. The Ukrainian embassy congratulated the actor for his commitment, he who has an exceptional visibility useful to state during this war against Russia: “Sean Penn shows a spirit that’s lacking in several others , particularly to Western politicians. The a lot of such folks there are in our country, true friends of Ukraine, who support the struggle for freedom, the earlier it’ll be attainable to prevent the treacherous attack of the Russia.”

The Mystic stream actor could be a regular in conflict zones. Indeed, he visited Republic of Iraq within the early 2000s to denounce the military intervention of his country set by President George W Bush. In 2004, he had written articles from Tehran in Iran to additional condemn yank policy. He had conjointly traveled to the natural disaster areas of cyclone Katrina and therefore the Haiti earthquake to support refugees. Despite the influence of his ex-wife Robin Wright, who had identified a way to channel the actor’ protest energy, agitated political commitment has been a characteristic of the latter since the beginning of his career, he who distinguished himself in marginal roles (Into the wild) or reforming politicians (Harvey Milk).