“You drew me …” Jenifer does not forget the great disappointments she has experienced

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During an interview granted to “Nice Matin” at the event of the discharge of “Tous en scene 2”, this Wednesday, December 22, 2021, Jenifer lower back to the disillusions which have punctuated her career. Bad reviews that marked her a lot. This December 22, 2021, the French public in the end has the possibility to look the lively movie Tous en scene 2 at the massive screen. A cinematographic launch awaited via way of means of the youngest however additionally via way of means of the artists who lend their voices to the heroes. On this event, Jenifer spoke with our colleagues from Nice-Matin to speak approximately her enjoy however additionally approximately her career. The possibility for the 39-year-vintage singer to recall positive disappointments … During her interview, Jenifer spoke approximately the numerous similarities she stocks with the individual of Rosita. Because after having confided to have “recognized” in positive conditions that her individual lives on this

2nd opus, the train of The Voice then poured out a touch extra at the disillusions that she herself suffered throughout her career.

“Personally, I became marked whilst it became vital to cancel a live performance in a stadium”, she first indicated. And to continue, bitter: “But there had been different disillusions. In general, they’re extra human than material. We withinside the end, we get over it, we use it as a lesson and we pay extra interest later.

In the press, Jenifer recently spoke about a terrible mishap. During an interview with Le Parisien last October, the hit performer Au Soleil (2002) returned to the somewhat particular portrait she had during her participation in the very first season of Star Academy. Because during the broadcast of his portrait on January 12, 2002, viewers were able to discover his measurements of yesteryear: “Distinctive sign: 1.58 m, 48 kg, 90C”. A detail that shouldn’t have been mentioned in a singing competition … “I didn’t see it at the time. I think I would have said it. I’m very polite, very respectful, but I would have opened my mouth at that moment “, then indicated the wife of Ambroise Fieschi. And to add, slightly raised: “In any case, today, that would have annoyed me. It does not concern anybody and it is much too intrusive.”