Elodie Frégé is 40 years old

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She hasn’t aged a bit, the proof in pictures!

This Tuesday, February 15, singer Elodie Frégé celebrates her 40th birthday. Time seems to have no hold on the former ‘Star Academy’ winner! The pretty quadra has already had the opportunity to reveal some of her beauty rituals which undoubtedly help her to keep her face without wrinkles.

Happy birthday to Elodie Frégé! The singer passes the milestone of quarantine on February 15. And the least we can say is that she hasn’t changed one iota since the general public discovered her in Star Ac in 2003. But how does she manage to defy the passing of time? past ?

Recruited in 2017 for the Roger Gallet brand to be the face of the Aura Mirabilis range, the singer then had the opportunity to discuss her relationship to beauty and cosmetics. With a few rituals, in particular to protect her skin, she seems to have found a parade against time which passes and does its work. “I have to be careful because I have very complicated skin, I even burned in the past (…) In my family there have been several cases of skin cancer so I use total screen to avoid blushing, but above all to avoid having the same problems as my grandfather for example”, she said to L’Express style, thus revealing to be particularly careful not to expose yourself too much to the sun.

Two years earlier, it had been with Public that Michal’ nice friend spoke of her relationship to beauty and recent age. the results of age? No stress for Elodie Frégé! “I don’t extremely rely on it. Besides, I’m simply setting out to use anti-aging skincare. i feel I’m doing virtually compared to the life I lead! I definitely have an honest genetic capital! after I cross-check my mother, I see her wrinkles, however I notice her very beautiful”, she same then before moving on to the fragile subject of cosmetic surgery. “It scares me. after I see some folks amendment their face when many interventions, I tell myself that the addictive facet is dangerous (…) I value {more highly to|favor to|opt to|choose to} have wrinkles instead of notice myself with a face that’s not the mine. relating to the body, i might choose more for light methods, like lipomassage, than for real cosmetic surgery. and that i conjointly assume that if we tend to like our body, our face is more fulfilled”, additional the interpreter of the tube The belt.