Diddy ‘s son charged of sexual ambush in lawsuit

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 The child of rapper Sean ” Diddy ” Combs has been blamed of sexually ambushing a lady on a yacht amid a family occasion in St Martin in 2022.

Grace O’Marcaigh says Christian “Ruler” Combs physically and sexually ambushed her, agreeing to a claim recorded in a respectful court in Los Angeles on Thursday.

His father, who is confronting a government sex trafficking test, is too named in the claim for helping the affirmed assault.

Last week, Sean Combs’s properties were struck as portion of the investigation. Their attorney, Arron Dyer, said the most recent affirmations were “lustful and meritless” claims made up of “fabricated lies and unessential facts”. It is the most recent in a string of genuine sexual attack charges against Sean Combs, and presently his son. Ms O’Marcaigh, who worked as a steward on the yacht, affirmed that the extravagance vessel was frequently swarmed with inebriated individuals, suspected sex specialists, celebrities and drugs.

She accepts that drinks served for her and other ladies on board may have been spiked with drugs since she saw individuals “falling over themselves, freezing, or passing out”, the court record states.

Sean Combs, 54, is named as a respondent in the claim for “premises obligation” as he chartered the extravagance yacht. The rapper “turned what was sold as a wholesome family outing into a epicurean environment,” the court archive says.

The claim claims that Christian Combs, 26, demanded that Ms O’Marcaigh drink tequila with him, and at that point got to be “savage”, getting her arm when she attempted to leave.

She says he grabbed her and “continued to kiss her neck, confront, and hands.” The Combs’s record maker, Rodney “Lil Bar” Jones, who has recorded his possess suit against Sean Combs, was recording at the time.

Transcripts are protected withinside the lawsuit. In a partitioned occurrence, Ms O’Marcaigh affirms that Christian Combs attempted to drive her to perform verbal sex on him in the yacht’s cinema.

She says a complaint she recorded with the ship’s captain was not taken truly, and charges that Sean Combs paid a strong tip to the ship’s team to keep her complaint quiet. As a result of the charged assault, Ms O’Marcaigh says her long-time sentimental relationship broke down and that she has created an eating clutter and endures from epileptic seizures.

One of the most effective music big shots in the history of rap, Sean ” Diddy ” Combs is confronting a list of sexual attack charges from a few individuals, counting his long-time accomplice Casandra “Cassie” Ventura. He denies all of the allegations.

In a explanation given to Assortment magazine on Friday, legal counselor Aaron Dyer took point at lawyer Tyrone Blackburn, who too recorded Lil Rod’s lawsuit.

“This is fair another lustful and meritless claim from Tyrone Blackburn – fair like what he recorded in the Rodney Jones claim, which he still has not served,” Mr Dyer said. “This complaint is filled with the same kind of fabricated lies and unessential truths we’ve come to anticipate from Blackburn. “We will be recording a movement to reject this preposterous claim.”