Tom cruise near to a French star and his girl

It’s a fellowship that endures over time and indeed if they do not frequently have the opportunity to see each other, Tom Voyage and a French star from the world of don appear exceptionally near, as they appeared once more as of late . photographs of the touching reunion
Who said that cinema and don do not go well together? In spite of the fact that he is best known for his exhibitions in effective movies like Best Weapon or the Mission Inconceivable arrangement, Tom Voyage is moreover a huge fan of tennis and he frequently visits Terrific Hammer competitions. It was amid a visit to London in 2022 that he met one of the most fruitful French tennis players of later decades, Marion Bartoli. “I was welcomed to the Wimbledon ladies’ last. As I entered the conventional pre-match lunch room, I appeared to recognize him from behind, at a little table, close the entryway. (…) At the conclusion of the dinner, he comes to see me. ‘Marion, I’m so upbeat to meet you. I adored it when you won here in 2013. (…) It was fantastic'”, she said. told to the daily paper L’Équipe.
A lovely experience which changed into fellowship over time. “I do not compose him a WhatsApp each day, but since he cherishes Lewis Hamilton and I’m an outright fan, I abhor him. (…) He moreover tells me what he does in his movies. ‘Hey, nowadays I broke three fingers holding a helicopter’ (…) He’s an uncommon competitor – he does all his stunts himself – and he cherishes F1 and tennis,” he said. she included, with respect to her relationship with Nicole Kidman’s ex.
Tom cruise and Marion Bartoli on the set of Mission Impossible

After their huge gathering in Abu Dhabi, Marion Bartoli and the Hollywood star had the chance to meet once more in the final few days, as the winner and her spouse, Yahya Boumediene, uncovered on their social systems. “Moments that we will cherish until the end of time. I was able to see our companion Tom cruise on the set doing his stunts for the following Mission Outlandish. Supreme legend,” enthuses the RMC specialist, some time recently including with respect to her girl: “PS: Kamilya said that her companion Tom runs exceptionally quick.” For his portion, the previous Belgian footballer too shared photographs essentially showing “the legend”, to depict the 61-year-old performing artist.