Charles III loses his nerves (again) for an unlikely reason.

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  • Camilla’s discomfort makes people react.

Once again, King Charles shows his low resistance to frustration since he succeeded his mother Elizabeth II. In question, a “damn” pen that does not work properly. His wife, Queen Consort Camilla, does her best to temper his irritability.

Since September 8, 2022 and the death of Elizabeth II, Charles has oscillated between grief and pressure because the Queen’s eldest son succeeds him. In particular, he must take over from the one who was at the head of the Kingdom for seventy years and whose popularity remains immense, but not only. The self-control of the deceased sovereign marked her reign, which contrasts with the attitude of her son. He once again gave in to his anger while performing in front of the cameras at Hillsborough Castle near Belfast.

Charles III showed his short temper and low resistance to frustration once again during a meeting as part of his royal tour to honor his mother’s memory. In Northern Ireland, the king had the task of signing a ceremonial book, but the exercise turned out to be more delicate than expected due to… a leaky pen. “I can’t stand this damn thing!”, he declared in front of the cameras, not hiding his grimace. The ink from the pencil he used dripped onto his hands and he added, “Oh my god, I hate that.”

Camilla, a very calm queen consort, visibly embarrassed, had previously pointed out to him that he had made the wrong date between September 12 and 13. What to exceed the former prince Charles. A scene that testifies to the monarch’s lack of self-control, contrasting with the legendary impassivity of his illustrious predecessor.

A few days ago, Saturday September 10, a similar scene occurred. Charles III, irritated to the highest point, had asked the help of his assistants because of a misplaced pen holder. An attitude that will not help the 73-year-old king to win over those who are not enthusiastic about the fact that he succeeds Elizabeth II. Described as old-fashioned and uncharismatic with young Britons in particular. Many of them would have preferred that the succession pass directly to Crown Prince William and his wife Kate, the parents of the three irresistible George, Charlotte and Louis.

Britain’s relationship with Charles ‘has had its ups and downs’, says royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams, largely because of the ‘disastrous end to his marriage’ to the hugely popular Diana and his affair with Camilla Parker -Bowles at the time. Charles then married Camilla in 2005. The British are however sensitive to this amorous stubbornness: little by little, his popularity rating is rising. Lately, Charles is “enormously respected for his work with associations”, adds the expert, “he may be old-fashioned on certain points, but his record is remarkable”.

President or benefactor of more than 420 associations, Charles has worked with his foundation to help two million young people in difficulty. But it is above all its long-standing ecological commitment that speaks to young people. Hoping his temper doesn’t take over too often.